From: "Saved by Windows Internet Explorer 8" Subject: AnalogRules / BASE - Grounding Tips and Tricks Date: Fri, 10 Sep 2010 16:39:40 -0700 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/html; charset="Windows-1252" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Location: X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.1.7600.16543 AnalogRules / BASE - Grounding Tips and = Tricks

Grounding your studio...

NEVER, NEVER, NEVER unground any piece of gear!!!


		   by Michael Gore  copyright 1994

I've been an Audio Technician since 1972 when I worked in =20
major recording studios (CBS Records, Fantasy Records) and=20
since going independent as an Audio Tech in 1982 I've set up=20
loads of small, intermediate, and large studios.   There are=20
more than a few things I've learned over the years, but one=20
of the most important is How to Troubleshoot a system, what=20
to look for, some basic tests even the non-technical can do=20
for themselves. And with just a simple approach to trouble-
shooting your own system, you'll be able to save money by=20
fixing the problem  yourself, or at least you'll know when=20
to call in outside help.  In this article I'm going to try=20
and give you an approach to troubleshooting your own studio=20
that will isolate the faulty component or equipment. =20

First off, one of the most important things to know is what a=20
professional studio control room should sound like, because that's=20
your goal: to sound as good as you can.  What comes out of any top=20
studio's monitor speakers, is well, nothing... that is when there's=20
no music, there is no noise.  This seems obvious, but time and time=20
again I go into project studios where there are buzzes and small=20
audible pops and  loads of hiss and hums coming out of the monitors.=20
And too often the person who runs the place thinks these sounds are=20
"normal", and that they have to just live with them.... NOT SO!!

  If you've set your system up correctly, you should be able to turn=20
your monitors up to a comfortable listing level, and hear no hiss,=20
no hums and a good clean nothing.  If you turn your system way way up,=20
all you should hear is a nice clean hiss way in the background, with=20
no hums, no squeals no buzzes.

Getting here, to the quiet studio, isn't hard.  This is how you begin=20
to trace those buzzes, hums and noise, and to eliminate them if =

	First off, you've got to have a quiet power amp, and luckily almost=20
all of them are very quiet thesedays.  You can test this yourself, by =
turning OFF the amp, then removing the Input connections, then turning =
amp back ON, and slowly turning up the volume.  All you should hear is =
and this you should only hear when the amp is turned way up.  If you =
Buzzes, pops or your local radio station, try turning OFF the amp then=20
installing shorted Input connectors (that is the connector's "Hot" and=20
"Ground" points are connected together (shorted)... so there is no =
Input Signal).  If you don't hear a nice clean hiss, them you have a bad =

Power amp, so go get it fixed.

	So now you've got a clean Power Amp.  It's quiet.  The next thing is=20
to turn it OFF and hook up the output from your console, then turn it On =
slowly bring up the levels on the Power Amp to reasonable volume:  have =
Monitor Output and all the faders of the console down, and all the =
channels OFF. =20
Again it should be just about as quiet as the Power amp alone( a little =
hiss is to be expected, but it shouldn't be much).  Then bring up the =
Monitor level control to "normal" (which in almost all boards is about 2 =
or 3/4 of the way up).  The system still should be quiet, no hums, no =
no buzzes. =20

	OK, so you don't have a quiet system, what should you do?  Note that=20
when I wanted you to check out your Power Amp, we ISOLATED it from any =
cause of noise.  We listened only to it, nothing else.  We made sure =
that not=20
even the wires of the Input cords were connected, since those wires =
could have caused a "Ground Loop", which would have caused hum in our =
system. =20
With a few slight modifications, we need to do this every step of the =
isolate pieces of the system, and determine what pieces are causing hum =
buzzes, and what are clean.

	So say that when the console is connected to the power amp, you have=20
a hum, even when you turn down the console's Monitor output.  This is =
likely a Ground Loop, which means that there is more than one ground =
is your system's "Zero Volt" reference).  Once there is more than one =
ground, if there is even a very, very  tiny difference in Voltage =
between them,=20
that small difference will be amplified just as if it were any other =
audio signal.  After all, the heart of the matter is that you want all =
"Not equal to Zero Volts" to be amplified! So one piece  of gear's Zero =
better exactly match each and every other Zero in your entire system.  =
If it=20
doesn't, that difference ends up as a 60 hertz hum or buzz.

	So next we'll have to determine if the console, by itself,=20
is quiet.  And just as we did with the Power Amp, we'll have to isolate=20
the console from all other systems, except for the Power Amp.  So you=20
have to disconnect each and every piece of gear plugged into the =
console. =20
Out go all those Synth connectors, reverb and effect connectors, what=20
you want is nothing connected to your console except the Power Amp.=20
Yes you'll need to dis-connect everything.  Once you've done this,=20
and all cables and connectors are removed from the console (except=20
the feeds to your Power Amp), you should have a quiet system once again. =
If you don't, try running a Ground wire (12 gauge Green multi-strand=20
wire... you can get this at any home improvement hardware store) from=20
the Chassis of the console to the Chassis of the Power amp. Strip off=20
 1/2 inch of the outer cover on both ends so bare wire is exposed, and=20
find a screw on the console to temporarily hold one end of the wire,=20
then holding the cover of the wire, touch the chassis of the Power Amp=20
(don't have the volume up very high!)  This will either bring up the=20
hum (so you don't want the wire connected at all) or it will bring=20
down the Hum (then you'll want to crimp "Spade Lugs" on the ends of=20
the wire, and find a screw you can use to clamp each end tightly to=20
each chassis, never never just wrap the bare end wire around a screw=20
and leave it that way!  Always use Spade Lugs: first you Crimp and=20
then Solder... ask at the hardware store if you don't know how to=20
crimp a Spade Lug... it's easy, and you already know how to solder a =

   If you've still got a hum, make sure that the connectors are wired=20
correctly.  Finally, if nothing helps, you'll need to try installing a=20
pair of good quality audio transformers between the console and the =
amp.  A transformer will Isolate the equipment from each other (no =
wire between them), and thus there cannot be a ground loop.  If you've=20
still a hum, even after installing a transformer between the Console's=20
Monitor Output and the Power Amp's input, well then the odds are pretty=20
high that the console itself is causing the hum. =20
Usually that mean's the Console's Power Supply is faulty, and isn't=20
putting out clean DC voltages, or that the Console itself is somehow=20
picking up a massive magnetic field nearby, or there might be an =
chip that's gone bad...  I had one client who called me after he built=20
and did his own wiring of his studio, complaining of a hum in the =
system. =20
I did ALL of the above, and after testing the Console's Power Supply,=20
I could only surmise that there was a magnetic field of some very large=20
strength nearby.  Then I physically turned the console 90 degrees to the =

side, and Volia! the hum went away.  It turned out that there were the=20
main AC supply cables to 2 TV stations  running exactly parallel to and=20
at the same height  my client had placed his console (it was a basement=20
studio in an old office building).  The console's ground buss (the Zero=20
reference wire) running the length of the console was too thin, and the=20
ground connections inside the console were not solid, and they allowed=20
a bit of induced hum into the system.  Turning the console would work or =

redoing the internal grounding of the console would work. =20

   Now if bringing up faders on your console brings up a hum, you're=20
better off, since you can just bring up each fader until you find the=20
culprit, then remove all cables to and from that one piece of gear. =20
If the system returns to a quiet state, then you'll need to try a ground =

wire as we discussed above, once you re-connect the offending piece of=20
equipment back to the console.  Next you'll have to try and use a =
to make sure that the gear is working OK, and there is indeed a =
problem.  And remember, you need to TOTALLY ISOLATE it, you can't just=20
isolate the Outputs and leave the Inputs connected, grounds are in both=20
Inputs and Outputs, and even in MIDI connectors too!  You have to=20
disconnect every connection, then you  can try a transformer on just=20
the Output cables to the console.  If the gear is now quiet, try=20
connecting the Output directly into the Console.  If it now hums,=20
then try the Ground Wire.  If it still hums, but didn't when the=20
transformer was used, then check your audio connectors, you might=20
have mis-wired something.  If all else fails, then you'll have to=20
get transformers for this piece of gear.  One thing to try is to=20
physically move remove the piece of gear causing the hum from any=20
rack system you might have, since the rack rails are connected to=20
the chassis of other equipment, there is a chance that moving the=20
gear might solve the problem.

	Well after reading all of this, you get the idea that you=20
have to isolate each piece of equipment from everything else, connecting =

it all back together one piece at a time.  We first did the Power Amp. =20
Next the console.  If the system is clean, then we'll connect one synth=20
or processor and check for hums and buzzes.  If it causes a hum, you'll=20
follow the basic steps above, and trace the problem.  Some pieces of =
just damn well causes hum from faulty engineering and design, and you'll =

have to isolate these via audio transformers.  But most will connect up =
clean. =20
You have to check each time you add a piece of equipment: does it cause =
a hum=20
in the system, or are there new pops or static? =20

If so try a ground wire between chassis, a transformer and so on. =20
One thing more: Move those dang AC Plug-In Power Cubes aka "Wall-Warts"
as far away from the console, power amp, and ANY audio wiring. =20
Those things are the cause of most of the hums I get called in to fix. =20
They emit large magnetic fields which are easily picked up,=20
so move them  away from your system!=20
   In a large top-of-the-line studio, we'll go as far as isolating=20
each piece of gear from the AC plug ground and run a separate chassis=20
ground wire back to the main studio ground (we call this "Technical =
then we'll connect this "Tech Earth" back to the main AC ground,=20
and/or a large copper rod driven 18 feet into the ground. =20

Thus every piece of gear still has AC fault protection, but no grounds=20
are tied together. This kind of system is what's known as a STAR-GROUND. =
This is a time consuming and complex wiring scheme, but is always =
well almost....  even the best designs sometimes fail.

Also in a 'Star-Ground" system, the audio ground wires are never =
connected to
any 2 pieces of gear... each ground is connected to the output only, and =

with the exception of all Mic Cables and Mic wiring to the console, =
grounds are not connected between pieces of gear..... this is AUDIO =
not AC Ground.... only the audio ground wire is lifted.

This prevents (in a perfect 'Star-Ground') creating 2 or more paths of
ground between pieces of gear.... since the audio cable never connects=20
two Audio grounds together, the only common Audio ground will be the=20
very thick 'Star-ground' wire which connects all Audio grounds together
at one place only.=20

  You may find some piece of gear that just requires audio transformers=20
to eliminate ground loops.  But you'll find that  with most of today's=20
equipment, you really don't have to go as far as all this, and with a=20
few hours of patient troubleshooting, you'll be able to make your=20
project studio much quieter.

NEVER cut or lift the 3rd grounding prong from ANY AC cable!!

NEVER remove chassis ground - this is for protection against =

A "Star-ground" set-up should never leave any piece of gear ungrounded =
AC ground.  Each piece of gear MUST be grounded for safety.

   Now here are a couple of trade secrets...the Ultra-Secret=20
"Audio-technician Guild" will come after me for telling you this stuff!!

#1	All consoles want to have their Monitor Volume controls at about=20
the 1 or 2 O'clock point.  That's where you get the best signal-to-noise =

levels, which means quieter monitoring.  So play a CD or some music =
your mixer, set the faders so your meters read normal levels (for VU =
this means peaks of about +2 VU), and turn the Monitor Pot to the 1 =
position, and turn DOWN the Power Amp levels until the music is at a =
listening level.  That's the level you want from your power amp.  1 =
normal, 4o'clock LOUD!  If you have your Power Amp turned way up, like =
small studios do, all you're going to do is amplify "normal" hiss from =
console.  Remember that everything has some noise, so if you turn your =
amp all the way up, even the best of consoles will sound noisy, even =
the reality is that the system is very quiet!!  If your Power Amp =
have level controls, have your local tech build some for you.

#2	Move those dang AC Plug-In Power Cubes aka "Wall-Warts" as far away=20
from the console, power amp, and ANY audio wiring. =20
Those things are the cause of most of the hums I get called in to fix. =20
They emit large magnetic fields which are easily picked up, so move them =

away from your system.  One client extended the wires from the =
to the equipment, and moved them 6 feet away from any audio cable ..
And most of her irritating hums vanished.

#3	If you have a buzz that seems to grow slowly in volume then slowly=20
diminish, the odds are that you're picking up the 60 hertz signal from =
local TV station.  Sorry, but you'll have to get a good technician, and =
then you might just have located your studio where one shouldn't be.  If =
have a buzz that seems to come for only short pulses, always at a =
level, then it could be a pulse riding in on your AC lines, and this is =
very difficult to fix.  Try to see if it might be caused by lamp dimmers =

somewhere in the house, a bad florescent lamp or that old 'fridge =
on and off.  If the buzz more or less comes on and stays there, try and=20
document what time of day it happens... I once traced such a buzz=20
down to a large Neon "Safeway" sign a block away, turning on each =
evening.  =20
I was able to "Neon-proof" that system, but you can sometimes get the=20
store owner to fix the problem sign.  And sometimes just knowing why =
happens makes them less irritant.

#4	Computer monitors are notorious for causing hums, and you can=20
easily trace this just by turning on and off the monitor of your =
computer. =20
If you get a buzz or hum when its on, only changing the position and/or=20
increasing its' distance from the console will help.

#5	When you stack various pieces of equipment on top of one another,=20
you might find that one piece of gear has it's internal AC power =
in a spot that makes the equipment just above or below it have an =
audible hum. =20
Always try turning off pieces of equipment around any gear that seems to =
a hum when you can't eliminate the hum with transformers.  Once you find =
offending unit, just move it to another spot, and try it again.

#6	Get two good audio transformers and build yourself an isolation box.  =

There are times that nothing but transformers will eliminate hums, and =
you've got friends and clients bringing in their own equipment, you can=20
save hours of frustrating troubleshooting by just using transformers if=20
their gear causes a hum.

#7	 Always match levels and impedances.  Microphone inputs are a poor=20
place to put line level signals, but lots of studios try.  If you must =
your mic inputs for non-mic signals, either use a "Matching Transformer" =

which not only isolates the equipment, but matches the levels as well, =
have your tech build you a "pad" which will reduce the level from Line =20
down to Mic level.  I just converted 18 Mic inputs of a console for line =

level use, making all the changes in each module.  That way this client=20
could have two line inputs for most of his console modules, and still=20
keep a few unconverted modules around as normal Mic inputs.=20

 Remember that the impedance of a mic is about 200 ohms (very low) and=20
the impedance of most Mic Pre-amplifiers is about 1,500 ohms (this makes =

for lower noise in Mic Pre-amp designs, which we'll talk about in =
article).  But most of your synths and equipment want to feed their=20
signals into 10,000 ohms resistance (known as "High Impedance"). =20
Some equipment can feed low impedances, and some equipment can't.=20
You end up by getting more noise and distortion than you should if you=20
connect gear that can't work with vastly incorrect impedances...  Oh,=20
don't forget that most mic inputs also have an output... 48 volts =
voltage to drive condenser mics! Very bad for most anything but a MIC!=20
Make sure that you never have phantom power ON if you have to connect=20
synths into mic inputs! =20

#8  You'll find that your system will normally be in it's quietest=20
state when everything is powered up.  It isn't fair to have some=20
things turned on and others off, as impedances change when power is=20
turned on to a piece of gear.  So almost always have everything "On",=20
even if you're not using it all.

#9   Try and "hit" the Input of effects units with a good strong signal, =

and reduce the Effect's output level control a bit.  Lots of reverbs and =

delays have background noise, and you'll help reduce this by turning the =

Output down.   Also don't use lots of compression unless you need to,=20
compression will lower the signal-to-noise ratio of that track, and =
you also use a noise gate along with your compressor, you'll be adding=20
unwanted noise.  =20

#10	Less is More.  Try using good recording technique rather than loads=20
of effects on your tracks.  It's better to have a poor recording of a =
performance, than a great recording of a dull boring performance. =20

Everyone still buys CDs for the music, not the noise levels.


All equipment = MUST be=20 properly grounded.

That means the chassis of each piece of gear is connected to a good AC =
ground. =20
This is so that if there is a fault in one piece of gear, you, the user=20
cannot be the "ground" for AC current.   That 'third prong' on your AC =
connects the chassis directly to AC ground, and once you use an adapter =
you must=20
be sure that there is a ground wire between that gear's chassis and good =

AC ground.  Never remove chassis ground protection!!

	In major studios we use a system called a Star Ground.  Then we'll=20
make sure that there are no cross grounds in the audio wiring, as well =
in the AC cables.  Everything is still connected to AC ground via good=20
individual ground wires.  This eliminates almost all ground loops, and=20
still insures a safe system.  Plus it makes sure that all "Zero Volt=20
References" can stay exactly the same.  We never remove grounding =

	In a home or project studio, this same attention to system grounding=20
is important.  You've got to insure not only that you system is quiet, =
that it's safe too.  So make sure that there is always a ground path for =

each piece of gear via the AC 3rd prong ground. =20

Never eliminate a ground!!!=20

Most modern equipment, there is absolutely no reason to lift the third=20
prong of the AC cable, and you should NOT do it in any case. =20

	Finally, don't over burden your AC wiring.  Your house wiring is=20
meant to supply normal household currents, and isn't designed to be at=20
maximum levels for long periods of time. =20

Don't have lots of AC outlet strips connected together into one wall =
outlet. =20
Make sure that no AC cable is getting warm when it's used. =20

There was one project studio I was in where the guy had 5 AC strips=20
daisy-chained into one wall outlet.  That first AC strip wire was=20
carrying all the current of the entire chain and was getting hot=20
to the touch, making his whole set up a fire hazard.  Don't do this!!

Make SURE that no AC cable is 'frayed' or has lost it's outer cover. =20
You should NEVER see the individual AC wires ever!

Lastly - you should NEVER do any AC wiring yourself. =20

You MUST hire a licensed contractor or other highly qualified (and =
person to do ANY AC wiring.

NEVER, NEVER, NEVER unground any piece = of gear!!!=20

Good Quality Audio Transformers are available from:

  Jensen Transformers (some of the best transformers available) (818) =

	Triad and
	Stancor		both available from Newark Electronics  (many locations)

	there are other manufacturers of Transformers too....=09

Transformers	=09

One of the easiest ways to eliminate ground hums is to isolate the =
equipment via input and output transformers.  These things do amazing =
in the audio world and are often contained in the best equipment found =
in the=20
big studios.  Since the whole principal of a transformer works on a =
of only magnetic flux, there is absolutely no physical contact needed =
two pieces of gear to get an audio signal through. If you need either to =
remove a ground loop caused by poor grounding, or to transform balanced =
unbalanced signals, grab a transformer.

But transformers aren't perfect.  Expensive transformers are about as =
perfect as you can get in the audio world, but you pay for the =
and construction quality.  Lesser transformers suffer from their design =
the way in which they're built, but if you match your requirements to =
correct transformer, you need not spend an arm and a leg to get what you =

For the Pro studio, operating at normal +4 levels, you'll have to go for =
top end of transformers, and I prefer Jensen Transformers (818) =
though there are a few other top manufactures around.  But you're gonna=20
pay for top line transformers... the Jensen JT-11P-1 transformer =
sells for $63.49 each, then you have to drill out a case for your =
and wire them yourselves.  But here you can put in up to +17 dB before =
even hit 1% distortion at 20 hertz! Killer performance!!  These are the =
I install when I need top studio performance.

Transformers can do other things besides isolate two pieces of =
equipment. =20
You can use a transformer to step up (or down) signal levels.  So say =
console is a Pro Standard +4 dB output unit, and you need to drive a=20
-10 dB device...  you could turn the input levels of the device way down =

or run the console level way down.  But it's always better to run things =

at their optimum points, so if you could, you would want the console =
at +4 dB and the next device at -10 normal input fader levels.  A =
transformer can do the trick for you, so everything is right where it =
should be. =20
If you need to hook up both a balanced and unbalanced device to the same =

output, you should isolate the unbalanced gear via a transformer, or =
once both are connected to the same point, you've unbalanced the signal =
to both. =20
And if you're working a remote, the only safe way to split mic lines to =
the same mic signal to more than one mixer is to use a "Splitter =

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