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Attach any I2C client chip (t= hermo sensors, AD converter, displays, relais driver, ...) to your PC via USB ... quick, easy and cheap! Drivers for Linux, Windows and MacOS available.=

The i2c-tiny-usb project is a= n open source/open hardware project. The goal of i2c-tiny-usb is to provide a cheap generic i2c interface to be attached to the usb. It is meant as a replaceme= nt for those simple and cheap printer port to i2c adapters. A USB solution has several advantages incl. the built-in power su= pply and a more future proof interface. Furthermore no cpu intense bitbanging is required on the host side. This USB solution even requires less parts than some printer port solut= ions.

While the i2c-tiny-usb was developed under and for Linux it also works under Windows and MacOS X. A windows demo driver and demo application is included to get you started immediately.

The i2c-tiny-usb project is b= ased on:


The prototype board including a ds16= 21 temperature sensor<= o:p>

The final hardware with the same sen= sor added

The hardware of the i2c-tiny-= usb interface consists of the = Atmel AVR ATtiny45 CPU, a cheap and easy to obtain microcontroller with 4 KBy= tes flash (of which ~2k are used in this application) and 256 Bytes RAM. The processor is surrounded by few other parts.

The USB interface=

The USB interface of the i2c-tiny-usb interface is based on a pure software implementation and uses = two pins of the AVR (PB0 and PB2). This software implementation supports low sp= eed USB only which is signalled to the PC by resistor R1.

The I2C interface is implemen= ted using a bitbanging approach. The hardware supported twi= interface of the attiny45 is bound to hardware pins at the chip that are required for USB operation and can thus not be used for I2C. The bitbanging= I2C interface being used instead may not be fully I2C compatible and thus not e= very I2C client chip may function correctly at this bus. No incompatibilities ha= ve been reported so far. The i2c-tiny-usb provides a software adjustable i2c c= lock delay allowing to configure the i2c clock. The d= efault delay is 10us. Due to additional delays in the i2c bitbanging code this res= ults in a i2c clock of about 50kHz.=

For simplicity reasons all USB transfers are done via the control endpoint. Since the avr usb library does only support low speed devices it cannot use bulk transfers which are speci= fied for high and full speed devices only. Low speed devices support so called interrupt transfers which are limited to a preset bandwidth while control transfers can use any free bandwidth (if there's any at all).

The device therefore uses con= trol transfers for all of its communication. This requires some additional limit= ation to prevent multiple driver software (e.g. the kernel driver and the libusb based test application) to access the device at the same time. Under Linux = this can be achieved by selecting certain access request types. This kind of acc= ess control may not be possible under other operating systems.

Power consumption=

The whole device is a so call= ed bus powered device. This means that the complete device is powered directly from USB. Therefore the AVR and one or more I2C client chips are powered from the USB VBUS signal.

The adapter itself draws less= than 10mA and reports this to the host via its USB descriptors. The device is ab= le to power I2C client chips as well. But since these chips vary in power cons= umption it is not possible to correctly include their demands into the device descriptors. It's your responsibility to keep an eye on the total power sup= ply and especially to make sure that the entire device does not exceed the total USB limit of 500mA.

It is planned for future firm= ware versions to make the reported power consumption software configurable so the value can easily be adopted to the real power de= mands of the entire device.

Kernel driver

The i2c-tiny-usb is meant to = be used with Linux. It comes with a Linux kernel driver that bridges between t= he USB and I2C subsystems in the Linux kernel. The driver then attaches to the= USB device and make the i2c bus available to the i2c subsystem. Thus the entire setup is transparent to client applications like the lm_sensors framework and no special client chip drivers are required. Instead the drivers already present in the linux kernel are used with the i2c-tiny-usb as well. With e.g. the ds1621 temperature sensors used in the prototype the output of sensors may e.g. lo= ok like this:

Adapter: i2c-tiny=
-usb at bus 003 device 017
temp:  &nbs=
p;  +21.50°C (low  =3D +15.0°C, high =3D +10.0°C)  ALARM (HIGH)

Schematics and PCB

The zener diodes in the schem= atic are optional. They may be required since the i2c-tiny-usb is directly power= ed from the USBs VBUS singnal at 5V. The USB data lines (D+ and D-) are suppos= ed to be operated at 3.3V only. Some PCs encounter problems at 5V and limiting= the voltage to at most 3.6V may help. My prototype lacks these diodes since my = PC works fine with D+ and D- at 5V.

Resistor R1 is 2k2 instead of= 1k5 for the same reason. It is meant to pullup to 3.3V. Since we are pulling up= to 5V the higher resistance is required.

Below is the final PCB layout= . It consists of the USB and I2C parts only and does not include a I2C client chip. Instead it comes with a solder area for easy prototyping. = I do have some of these PCBs left. Just drop me an email if you want to buy one = (6 EUR per PCB + 4 EUR shipping). You can easily etch a PCB youself. Since mos= t of the connections are on the bottom side even a single sided PCB will work. You'll just have to add the four missing connections using thin wires.=

Part placement

Top (click for 600 dpi)

Bottom (click for 600 dpi)

The final PCB

The USB connector space on th= e PCB provides two additional holes to allow an USB cable to be directly and firm= ly attached to the device without the use of the USB connector. See the image below for the desired pinout.

Direct cable wiring schema ...

... and in reality (with pcf8574 client).

Compiling the firmware<= /o:p>

The ATtiny45 is quite new and= thus not all parts of the developement chain support this chip in their current release versions. The latest binutils (linker an assembler) and avrdude (pr= ogrammer) support the new chips as well but gcc doesn't. The gcc-4.1.0 has to be patc= hed to support some AVR cpus incl. the attiny45. Get the latest avr device patc= hes (patch-newdevices) e.g h= ere.

Uploading the firmware<= /o:p>

If you are familiar with Atmel programming you probably know what you are doing. The Makefile in i2c-tiny-usb/firmware/Makefile assumes, that you are us= ing the stk500 for programming the attiny45. Since all 6 user configurable pins of the attiny45 are required, the so called high voltage serial programming (hvsp) mode of the attiny45 has to be used. E.g. the st= k500, the AVR-Doper= and the AVR Dragon are supporting this mode.

Downloads<= /h2>


User contributions

size=3D1 width=3D"100%" noshade color=3D"#cccccc" align=3Dcenter>

Till Harbaum-Impressum
