From: "Saved by Internet Explorer 11" Subject: MSN Careers - How to recover from a mistake at work - Career Advice Article Date: Wed, 18 Jun 2014 15:11:51 -0700 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/related; type="multipart/alternative"; boundary="----=_NextPart_000_0000_01CF8B07.A1B50220" X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.1.7601.17609 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_0000_01CF8B07.A1B50220 Content-Type: image/png Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Location: =89PNG =1A=0A= =00=00=00=0DIHDR=00=00=00=0C=00=00=00=08=08=06=00=00=00=CD=E4=1E=F1=00=00= =00=19tEXtSoftware=00Adobe = ImageReadyq=C9e<=00=00=049iTXtXML:com.adobe.xmp=00=00=00=00=00 = = CBE_Home750 = =B7=A9=9EL=00=00=00[IDATx=DAb=FC=FF=FF?=03)=80QX?=CF=18H=BB=10= =A1v=CF=9B=0B=13=CF=B2=E4=06=0A= =9D=9D=BC=FE]=1AP =0D=8F=E2Y u = =06=13=88=00r=D2A=82x=14=A7=C38L0=06=0EM(=8AQ4`=D1=84=A1=18C=03=92=A6tl=8A= =C1=A1Dj=B0=02=04=18=00=B3=E1=1F=92vhv/=00=00=00=00IEND=AEB`=82=00 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hcgwuHqNNxgk7bbs/9k= ------=_NextPart_000_0000_01CF8B07.A1B50220 Content-Type: text/css; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Location: @font-face { font-family: Helvetica; } body { font: 12px/normal Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; margin: 0px; padding: = 0px; color: rgb(51, 51, 51); font-size-adjust: none; font-stretch: = normal; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); } body a { color: rgb(54, 63, 181); text-decoration: none; } body a:hover { text-decoration: underline; } .stdInnerContent { margin: 10px; } form { margin: 0px; padding: 0px; } .cb_style table { text-align: left; } .cb_style td { text-align: left; } h1 { margin: 0px; padding: 5px 0px 10px; color: rgb(0, 0, 102); font-size: = 22px; font-weight: bold; } h2 { margin: 0px; padding: 5px 0px; color: rgb(199, 86, 10); font-size: = 18px; font-weight: normal; } h3 { color: rgb(32, 34, 69); font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; } ul { margin: 5px 0px 5px 15px; padding: 0px; } input { font: inherit; 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How to recover from a mistake at=20 work

By Robert=20 Half
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Everyone makes mistakes, and managers are no exception. = Unfortunately,=20 because of your status and responsibilities, your missteps may garner = more=20 attention and have more consequences than if a junior employee did = something=20 similar. It's important to know how to recover from a = mistake quickly and=20 move on. Below are a few examples of managerial errors and some tips for = making=20 a comeback.

You're a micromanager
A=20 good boss knows the difference between managing and micromanaging. = Employees=20 want supervisors to trust them to make decisions and work independently. = When=20 you watch over your employees' every move like a vulture, they feel as = if you're=20 just waiting for them to slip up. Such an environment isn't conducive to = high=20 morale or job satisfaction.

If your own boss has told you to stop micromanaging, what do you do = next? It=20 may be difficult, but the first step in recovering from this mistake and = regaining workers' trust is to acknowledge your shortcomings. Tell your = direct=20 reports you've been squandering their time and talents with your = micromanagement=20 and that things will be different from now on.

Follow through on your word. Give them decision-making power and, as = the=20 Frozen song advises, let it go. More important, ask them to = hold you=20 accountable in case you slip back into old habits.

You didn't give good instructions
When=20 employees don't get enough direction or the right information, they can = take a=20 project down a different path than you expected. Nobody wants to start a = project=20 over from scratch because they were given vague or confusing guidelines. = Misdirection can even make employees feel like they were set up for=20 failure.

If you're guilty of giving bad directions, you owe your team an = apology.=20 Express regret for not explaining the assignment better, and then = make sure=20 they're clear on exactly what they need to do going forward. In the = future,=20 avoid situations like this by giving clear and detailed instructions, = asking for=20 questions and comments, and checking in periodically to make sure nobody = is=20 heading into the weeds.

You really stepped in it
The press loves writing about executive = blunders.=20 Whether it's an unfortunate slip of the tongue, getting caught in a lie = or=20 losing millions of company dollars, a public mistake is embarrassing and = gut=20 wrenching -- and you think you'll never get over it. While some = executives are=20 fired or asked to resign over a misstep or poor judgment, most survive = the=20 fallout.

But how to recover from a mistake, especially when it damaged the = company's=20 reputation (not to mention your own) and/or cost money to fix? For one, = there's=20 no need to fall on the sword, although one in three managers surveyed = for a Robert Half = survey said=20 they've accepted blame for something that wasn't their fault.

However, if you were the one who erred, here's how to get back on = your feet=20 and put the mistake behind you. It won't be easy, but it is = necessary.

1. Say you're sorry. Apologize to your boss, shareholders, the = board,=20 people who work for you, the public =C2=96 anyone who felt the = repercussions of your=20 mistake. Don't dodge or get defensive. Accept full responsibility for = your=20 actions.

2. Fix the problem. Can you undo the damage or salvage the = situation? If=20 not, do whatever you can to mitigate the impact of your mistake. If = you've made=20 a bad hire, = for=20 example, take the onus for firing the person and recruiting a = replacement.

3. Live and learn. The worst mistake is not the one you just = made, but=20 failing to learn from it. We are the sum of our experiences. = Furthermore, don't=20 let this one get you down and make you afraid to take risks in the = future.

No one wants to fumble on the job, but it happens. Use the incident = as a=20 growth opportunity for yourself, your team and your organization. = Knowing how to=20 recover from a mistake means the difference between regaining people's = trust and=20 losing their respect =C2=96 or even your job.

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Robert Half is the world's first and largest specialized staffing = firm=20 with a global network of more than 400 staffing and consulting locations = worldwide. For more information about our professional services, visit = For = additional management advice, read our blog at =20 or follow us on social media at .

Copyright = 2014 Robert=20 Half. All rights reserved. The information = =20 contained in this article may not be published, broadcast or otherwise=20 distributed without prior written authority. = =20

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Story Filed = =20 Monday, May 19, 2014 - 4:53 PM
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How to recover from a mistake at=20 work

By Robert=20 Half
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Everyone makes mistakes, and managers are no exception. = Unfortunately,=20 because of your status and responsibilities, your missteps may garner = more=20 attention and have more consequences than if a junior employee did = something=20 similar. It's important to know how to recover from a = mistake quickly and=20 move on. Below are a few examples of managerial errors and some tips for = making=20 a comeback.

You're a micromanager
A=20 good boss knows the difference between managing and micromanaging. = Employees=20 want supervisors to trust them to make decisions and work independently. = When=20 you watch over your employees' every move like a vulture, they feel as = if you're=20 just waiting for them to slip up. Such an environment isn't conducive to = high=20 morale or job satisfaction.

If your own boss has told you to stop micromanaging, what do you do = next? It=20 may be difficult, but the first step in recovering from this mistake and = regaining workers' trust is to acknowledge your shortcomings. Tell your = direct=20 reports you've been squandering their time and talents with your = micromanagement=20 and that things will be different from now on.

Follow through on your word. Give them decision-making power and, as = the=20 Frozen song advises, let it go. More important, ask them to = hold you=20 accountable in case you slip back into old habits.

You didn't give good instructions
When=20 employees don't get enough direction or the right information, they can = take a=20 project down a different path than you expected. Nobody wants to start a = project=20 over from scratch because they were given vague or confusing guidelines. = Misdirection can even make employees feel like they were set up for=20 failure.

If you're guilty of giving bad directions, you owe your team an = apology.=20 Express regret for not explaining the assignment better, and then = make sure=20 they're clear on exactly what they need to do going forward. In the = future,=20 avoid situations like this by giving clear and detailed instructions, = asking for=20 questions and comments, and checking in periodically to make sure nobody = is=20 heading into the weeds.

You really stepped in it
The press loves writing about executive = blunders.=20 Whether it's an unfortunate slip of the tongue, getting caught in a lie = or=20 losing millions of company dollars, a public mistake is embarrassing and = gut=20 wrenching -- and you think you'll never get over it. While some = executives are=20 fired or asked to resign over a misstep or poor judgment, most survive = the=20 fallout.

But how to recover from a mistake, especially when it damaged the = company's=20 reputation (not to mention your own) and/or cost money to fix? For one, = there's=20 no need to fall on the sword, although one in three managers surveyed = for a Robert Half = survey said=20 they've accepted blame for something that wasn't their fault.

However, if you were the one who erred, here's how to get back on = your feet=20 and put the mistake behind you. It won't be easy, but it is = necessary.

1. Say you're sorry. Apologize to your boss, shareholders, the = board,=20 people who work for you, the public =C2=96 anyone who felt the = repercussions of your=20 mistake. Don't dodge or get defensive. Accept full responsibility for = your=20 actions.

2. Fix the problem. Can you undo the damage or salvage the = situation? If=20 not, do whatever you can to mitigate the impact of your mistake. If = you've made=20 a bad hire, = for=20 example, take the onus for firing the person and recruiting a = replacement.

3. Live and learn. The worst mistake is not the one you just = made, but=20 failing to learn from it. We are the sum of our experiences. = Furthermore, don't=20 let this one get you down and make you afraid to take risks in the = future.

No one wants to fumble on the job, but it happens. Use the incident = as a=20 growth opportunity for yourself, your team and your organization. = Knowing how to=20 recover from a mistake means the difference between regaining people's = trust and=20 losing their respect =C2=96 or even your job.

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Robert Half is the world's first and largest specialized staffing = firm=20 with a global network of more than 400 staffing and consulting locations = worldwide. For more information about our professional services, visit = For = additional management advice, read our blog at =20 or follow us on social media at .

Copyright = 2014 Robert=20 Half. All rights reserved. The information = =20 contained in this article may not be published, broadcast or otherwise=20 distributed without prior written authority. = =20

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