From: "Saved by Internet Explorer 11" Subject: Reminders on order documents Date: Mon, 18 Apr 2016 15:08:52 -0700 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/related; type="text/html"; boundary="----=_NextPart_000_0000_01D19984.37BED0C0" X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.1.7601.17609 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_0000_01D19984.37BED0C0 Content-Type: text/html; charset="utf-8" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Location: =EF=BB=BF
Path: Sourcing News & = Advice=20 >> Smart=20 Sourcing >> Reminders on order=20 documents
By Li Zhang
Order=20 documents are an often overlooked but very important aspect of your = China=20 sourcing project. When it comes to working with Chinese vendors and = being=20 proactive on your order documents, here=E2=80=99s some order = reminders.
Alert=20 the supplier on the required order documents
Once=20 your order opens, make it clear what order documents are required. Every = order=20 should receive the following:
=E2=80=A2=20 Commercial Invoice
=E2=80=A2=20 Packing List
=E2=80=A2=20 On-Board Bill of Lading
But=20 if you require something that the supplier may not be accustomed to = providing,=20 you need to let them know.
Most=20 likely, you=E2=80=99ll have to remind the supplier midway and towards = the end of the=20 order.
What=20 types of documents could these be that may be required not=20 mainstream?
=E2=80=A2=20 Certificate of origin / Form A: these seem to be widely required from = Europe=20 and parts of South America. For other countries, I don=E2=80=99t know = off the top of my=20 head and would check with the client. But many suppliers will not = remember to=20 check.
=E2=80=A2=20 Fumigation certificates: If there is wooden packaging or wooden parts = and your=20 home country requires fumigation.
=E2=80=A2=20 Safety or inspection certificates: This is most definitely an example = of a=20 document you should detail the supplier about in the beginning. This is = more=20 than they applying for a document but is something that will require = testing=20 and a more in-depth process. A perfect world, the supplier will check with you, = but in=20 order to avoid delays on the backend, let the supplier know from the=20 beginning.
Provide=20 the supplier with all details in a clear, laid-out = fashion
Give=20 the supplier the exact information of who the importer is on record. = This will=20 allow the supplier to properly fill out the booking form for the=20 shipment.
Plainly=20 tell the supplier; =E2=80=9Cthe consignee (importer) should be detailed = just like the=20 following=E2=80=A6=E2=80=9D
It=E2=80=99s = good practice to=20 ask the supplier to show you document drafts before they send in the = official=20 document.
Too=20 often, importers fail to give clear detail and the supplier is remiss in = asking.=20 The supplier fills out the booking form and just gets client contact = detail from=20 the client=E2=80=99s email signature=E2=80=A6for = example=E2=80=A6
But=20 the actual client may not even be the importer on record.
Very=20 carefully, check all details on your order documents
Suppliers=20 make clerical errors. Left to their own control, suppliers will make = many=20 clerical errors. It=E2=80=99s the nature of the China sourcing = beast.
When it = comes to=20 customs and clearance, as the importer, those documents are going to = represent=20 you and your business.
Check=20 your order documents with a fine-toothed comb.
Check=20 the consignee information; did the supplier fill out the shipping = documents=20 correctly?
For=20 example, with the USA, if there=E2=80=99s an inconsistency in the = consignee and the=20 importer on record, it can cause a delay or check with clearance and=20 customs.
Poor=20 management of order documents can turn an offshore project into a real=20 headache.
Do=20 some research on what=E2=80=99s required.
Ask=20 your freight forwarder.
Ask=20 peers in your industry.
Check=20 with a customs officer.
Over=20 time, as you do reorders, your supplier will become more = responsible.
=E2=80=A6but =
like I said, this takes time.
Li=20 Zhang has worked in international manufacturing and exporting since = 2003. She=20 has served global brands such as Bayer, Coca Cola and Warner Bros. Her=20 background is in design and engineering. Li is a native of Jiangsu = Province and=20 currently finds herself back and forth between Suzhou, China and the = USA.=20 Contact Li at This email address is being = protected from=20 spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. = , or=20 find her penning manufacturing thoughts at her=20 blog.
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