From: Subject: Wisdoms & Quotes Date: Mon, 6 Jun 2011 19:41:59 -0700 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/related; type="text/html"; boundary="----=_NextPart_000_0000_01CC2481.CCC95730" X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.00.2900.6090 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_0000_01CC2481.CCC95730 Content-Type: text/html; charset="Windows-1252" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Location: Wisdoms & Quotes - since=20 1997 Search This=20 Site


Most of the quotes that = follow are=20 original. The rest were found here and there, and credit for them is = given if=20 known. New entries are added periodically at the end of the=20 list.

"Just because you believe something doesn't make = it=20 true."

"It takes a long time to become really good at=20 something."

"You can accomplish nearly anything - often it = just takes=20 one phone call to the right person."

"As much as we may love them, animals have no = sense of=20 esthetics - a dog will drink from the toilet, and a cat will bite the = head off a=20 mouse and eat it."

"A leader has the clarity of thought to understand = what=20 matters and what doesn't, plus the self-confidence to express his or her = convictions."

"The pursuit of knowledge and scientific = understanding is=20 consistent with the innate human goal of self-preservation."

"Often we fault in others what we see in=20 ourselves."

"These days many movies are rated as containing = Graphic=20 Violence and Brief Nudity - I much prefer Brief Violence and Graphic=20 Nudity!"

"Do you think the people who establish speed = limits for=20 local and state roads actually drive that slowly themselves?"

"Reasonable people adapt to the world. = Unreasonable people=20 persist in trying to adapt the world to themselves. Therefore, all = progress=20 depends on unreasonable people." --George Bernard Shaw

"One moron can ask more questions than ten wise = men can=20 answer." --From a tag line on CompuServe

"He's a timid man who tries to look tough - a = sheep in=20 wolf's clothing."

"We all want to get laid, but nobody wants to get=20 screwed."

"It is always easier to ask forgiveness than it is = to get=20 permission." --Adm. Grace Hopper

Ethan's corollary to the above: "It takes only = two=20 seconds to say 'Please excuse the mess' versus half an hour or more to = actually=20 clean and vacuum."

"I fully respect your right to disagree with me, = so long as=20 you understand that I'm right and you're wrong."

"Knowing a lot of facts is not the same as being=20 smart."

"For every opinion on a given issue there will = always be=20 proponents for the opposite viewpoint - no matter how = preposterous."

"Criticizing others is a dishonest way of praising = ourselves." --From a letter to our local newspaper

"Microsoft is a praying mantis: It eats its = partners=20 while it's having sex with them." --Nicholas Petreley

"Hitting is learned behavior."

"People opposed to drinking are often former = alcoholics, but=20 most people who are against legalizing marijuana have never tried=20 it."

"There's this man who lives in the sky, and he has = ten=20 things he doesn't want you to do, and you'll burn for a long time if you = do=20 them. But he loves you!" --George Carlin

"If AIDS is god's way of punishing homosexuals, = then by=20 the same logic E. Coli must be god's way of punishing people who eat=20 meat."

"I contend that we are both atheists. I just = believe in=20 one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the = other=20 possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours." --Stephen = Roberts=20

"It's not so much that people are stupid, but = many don't=20 take the time to think things through." --Lionel, talk show host on = WABC=20 Talk Radio

"Atheism is a non-prophet organization."=20 --Unknown

"Good composers borrow, great composers = steal."=20 --Igor Stravinsky

"Spirituality is simply a human emotion. And = like all=20 emotions it is entirely within one's own mind."

"God is Santa Claus for adults."

"Common etiquette says not to talk about = politics, sex,=20 religion, or money. But these are the most interesting things to=20 discuss!"

"Cleanliness is next to impossible."=20 --Anon.

"Faith is a poor substitute for logic and=20 reason."

"Beauty fades, dumb is forever." --Judge=20 Judy

"Trying is the first step toward failure." = --Homer=20 Simpson

"If 'The Devil made me do it' is not a valid = defense in=20 a court of law, then insurance companies shouldn't be able to weasel out = of=20 claims for damage caused by an 'Act of God'."

"Behaving well from a fear of god is far less = noble than=20 behaving well because it's the right thing to do."

"Just because something is legal doesn't make = it good,=20 and just because something is illegal doesn't make it = bad."

"Good luck is the result of good planning." = --from a=20 fortune cookie

"Never judge a book by its movie." --J.W.=20 Eagan

"If 50 million people say a foolish thing, it's = still a=20 foolish thing." --Anatole France (1844-1924)

"It's a fine line between frugal and being a = cheap=20 bastard."

"A gun is no longer 'The great equalizer.' = Today it's the=20 Internet and newsgroups, where anyone can be taken seriously based only = on what=20 they say and without prejudice for their physical = appearance."

"War is good business; invest your son." = --Ron Kuby=20 on WABC Talk Radio

"The only thing worse than being incompetent = is not=20 knowing you are."

"I didn't think it was possible, but this both = sucks=20 and blows." --Bart Simpson, watching a school faculty = talent=20 show

"I'm old enough to know better, but I'm still = too young=20 to care." --Country song by Wade Hayes

"Men never do evil so completely and = cheerfully as when=20 they do it from religious conviction." --Blaise Pascal

"The most important ingredient for success is = being able=20 to communicate."

"The ugly truth is always better than the = best-dressed=20 lie." --Ann Landers

"If hunters 'own' the wild animals and presume = the right=20 to shoot them, why don't people opposed to hunting have an equal right = to say=20 No?"

"If you think your teenagers are fully honest = with you,=20 just think back to when you were a teenager."

"It pains me when someone murders his wife and = kids, and=20 then kills himself. Hey, do us all a favor and shoot yourself=20 first."

"When you go to a restaurant they ask, = 'Smoking or=20 non-smoking?' The question should be, 'Kids or no = kids?'"

"A faith that cannot survive collision with = the truth is=20 not worth many regrets." --Arthur C. Clarke

"When morality comes up against profit, it is = seldom=20 that profit loses." --Shirley Chisolm

"The true appeal of guns is the power they = give to those=20 who feel powerless."

"The so-called patriot groups are behind some = of the=20 most evil and unpatriotic acts."

"I used to be angry at astrologers and = promoters of=20 alternative medicine for their shameless pandering to people's weakness. = These=20 days I'm more angry at the fools who fall for that = nonsense."

"Personally, I prefer a politician who is = curious enough=20 to have smoked pot and tried cocaine or LSD. It is a small mind indeed = that's=20 afraid to try something new or unknown."

"Whenever someone tells me how wonderful it = must have=20 been to live in an earlier age, all I can think of is no aspirin, no = toilet=20 paper, and no air conditioning."

"Citing tradition as the only reason for = continuing a=20 useless practice is surely a lame excuse."

"It's amazing how the Jews, Christians, and = Muslims have=20 so much heritage in common, yet it seems they're always killing each=20 other." --Doug Ferrara

"If you want to know someone's true = personality, just=20 watch them drive."

"There's nothing wrong with most public = schools. It's up=20 to parents to make sure their kids study and get good = grades."

"A lot of conservatives complain that Bill = Clinton got=20 elected with less than half the popular vote. But their guy GW got even = fewer=20 votes!"

"When you talk to God it's called prayer; when = God talks=20 to you it's called schizophrenia." --A line from The Outer = Limits=20 TV show

Rob Carlson on rock bands: "If you can't be = good, be=20 loud."

"It's a far far better thing to have and not = need than=20 to need and not have." --Rob Carlson

"Man made booze. God made marijuana. Who do = you=20 trust?" --Unknown

"The first half of our lives is ruined by our = parents,=20 and the second half by our children." --Clarence Darrow

"Congress has not managed to implement = campaign finance=20 reform, keep guns out of the classroom, stop the cable TV companies from = raping=20 consumers, or prevent big industry from polluting our air and water, yet = it has=20 plenty of time to propose putting the Ten Commandments in schools and = other=20 public buildings."

"I don't know the secret of success, but the = secret of=20 failure is to try to please everybody." --Bill Cosby

"When two friends fight nobody wins." = --Edith=20 Bunker on All in the Family

"Alternative Health proponents want it both = ways: First=20 they say your regular doctor doesn't know as much as they do and = conventional=20 medicine is a failure. Then they claim their products are 'clinically = tested'=20 and 'scientifically proven' to work."

"The great thing about opinions is you don't = have to=20 back them up with facts."

"We often hear that a labor union is demanding = more=20 money. But they never say how much they earn now, so how can we = know=20 whose side to take?"

"I have always believed that it is a coward's = pursuit to=20 go into the woods to shoot an animal. It is not a sport if the victim is = unable=20 to return fire." --Frank Eldridge

"Great minds discuss ideas, average minds = discuss=20 events, small minds discuss people." --Admiral Hyman G. = Rickover

"Simple minds are satisfied by simplistic=20 explanations."

"As a cynic I generally expect the worst. I'm = rarely=20 disappointed."

"Did you ever wonder why they call something = so divisive=20 a 'Union'?" --Lois Mastrangelo

"If the government was really serious about = preventing=20 people from drinking and then driving, they wouldn't allow bars to have = parking=20 lots." --From a letter to our local paper

"Dope will get you through times of no money = better than=20 money will get you through times of no dope." --the Furry Freak=20 Brothers

"It is impossible to defeat an ignorant man in = argument." --William G. McAdoo, American government official=20 (1863-1941)

"Why is it that as soon as politicians get = elected they=20 believe our money belongs to them?"

"If an animal mauls a kid, chances are the = animal will=20 be destroyed. It's really too bad the same law doesn't apply to a kid = that=20 tortures an animal." --From a letter to our local paper

"The most difficult and unpleasant jobs always = seem to=20 pay the least salary."

"Fathering five children does not show the = world how=20 macho you are. A dog can do that. If you want to be a real man, try = adopting=20 some kids with special needs."

"Every day, self-proclaimed stock market = 'experts' tell=20 us why the market just went up or down, as if they really knew. So where = were=20 they yesterday?"

"All great truths begin as blasphemies." = --George=20 Bernard Shaw

"A censor is someone who views pornography all = day, but=20 does not get corrupted even though he is certain you = would."

"If you think seatbelts are confining, you = should try a=20 wheelchair." --Dr. Henry Betts, former head of the Rehabilitation = Institute=20 of Chicago

"The large print giveth and the small print = taketh=20 away." --Tom Waits

"Censorship is the height of vanity." = --Martha=20 Graham

"The greatest tragedy may be the hijacking of = morality=20 by religion. However valuable that may have been to enforce good = behavior on=20 primitive peoples, the association is now counter-productive. Yet at the = very=20 moment when they should be decoupled, sanctimonious nitwits are calling = for a=20 return to morals based on superstition." --Arthur C. = Clarke

"How can you make two months' salary last = forever? Easy.=20 Invest it wisely, instead of buying useless trinkets with no inherent=20 value."

"Luck is when opportunity meets = preparation."=20 --Eric Beheim

"Were there none who were discontented with = what they=20 have, the world would never reach anything better." --Florence=20 Nightingale

"An educated man should know everything about = something,=20 and something about everything." --Dame C.V. Wedgwood, English = historian=20 (1910-1997)

"Small minds are concerned more with the = symbols of=20 patriotism than with the underlying principles of freedom and=20 democracy."

"The fact that a believer is happier than a = skeptic is=20 no more to the point than the fact that a drunken man is happier than a = sober=20 one." --George Bernard Shaw

"If we don't believe in freedom of expression = for people=20 we despise, we don't believe in it at all." --Noam = Chomsky

"A bunny rabbit is basically a big rat. So why = is one=20 adorable and the other reviled?"

"Violence is the last refuge of the = incompetent."=20 --Salvor Hardin (character in the book Foundation by Isaac=20 Asimov)

"Many magazine publishers wrongly believe they = have to=20 cater to their advertisers since the advertisers pay the bills. But in = fact it=20 is the readers who deserve the magazine's loyalty, because = without them=20 there would be no ads or revenue!"

"There is no doubt that the level of US = violence has=20 risen over the past forty years. I blame this directly on the religious = right.=20 As television and movie producers began pushing the envelope to make = their shows=20 more exciting, the religious right fought for censorship to prevent sex = from=20 being shown - so the producers instead made their shows more violent. = And that=20 has desensitized society thus making violence more = acceptable."

"If we're all God's children, what's so = special about=20 Jesus?" --Jimmy Carr, comedian

"No listener gives a damn what microphone = preamp you=20 used." --Craig Anderton

"I play in several amateur orchestras, and = have noticed=20 that the players who miss the most rehearsals are the very ones who can = least=20 afford to be absent!"

"A good scientist can explain how something = works using=20 plain language, without needing math and formulas."

"The biggest problem with education today is = that=20 students are taught what to think, but not how to=20 think."

"Without ego, greatness is = impossible."

"If you steal a little money you go to jail. = If you=20 steal a lot you don't." --Unknown

"Nothing in this world is more precious than a = kitten -=20 but just try to give one away!"

"No amount of classical music training will = ever teach=20 you what's so cool about 'Tighten Up' by Archie Bell And The = Drells"=20 --Unknown

"When stores and big business raise prices = they claim=20 they're just keeping up with the cost of living. In fact, they are = driving=20 up the cost of living."

"Skeptics question, cynics = assume."

"The later I am, the slower I drive - I'd = rather be five=20 minutes late than lose twenty minutes while getting a traffic=20 ticket!"

"Little boys should never be forced to wear a = necktie.=20 In fact, nobody should ever have to wear a = tie."

"Shop-at-home TV channels serve well as a = national IQ=20 test."

"The most obvious thing that proves average, = fallible=20 people wrote the texts of the bible, is that the book describes god's = feelings,=20 opinions, and preferences. He's mad ... He's pleased. Give = me a=20 break. If my creator deals with his/her problems LIKE I DO, then I need = to find=20 someone a little higher up." --Posted by 'bvdd' on the MusicPlayer = web=20 forum

"Hunting is the worst type of = bullying."

"When a true genius appears in this world, you = may know=20 him by this sign, that the dunces are all in confederacy against = him."=20 --Jonathan Swift

"The dividing line between Liberals and = Conservatives is=20 at 100 IQ points."

"The great thing about standards is there are = so many to=20 choose from." (author unknown)

"Empirical evidence trumps theory every=20 time."

"Just because something costs a lot doesn't = mean it's=20 really worth that much."

"Success in any endeavor requires one simple = formula:=20 First define precisely what you want to do, then devise efficient = logical steps=20 to get there."

"You don't have to be a bastard to do well in=20 business."

"When you can measure what you are speaking = about, and=20 express it in numbers, you know something about it. But when you cannot = ... your=20 knowledge is ... meager and unsatisfactory." --Lord Kelvin, 19th = century=20 physicist

"First they ignore you, then they ridicule = you, then=20 they fight you, then you win." --Mahatma Gandhi

"If what you really need is outside your = budget, stretch=20 the budget. Otherwise you're wasting all your money." = --Laurence=20 Payne

"Anyone who uses a leaf blower or chain saw = should by=20 law be required to pay every neighbor within 1/4 mile $5 per=20 hour."

"You can fool too many of the people too much = of the=20 time." --James Thurber

"If I had $100 million I would spend it all on = radio and=20 TV ads to influence public opinion on social issues."

"The French word for 'warning' is=20 avertissement. Coincidence? I think not!"

"Email spammers are assholes."

"Every time I have accepted financial advice = from a=20 'professional' I lost a lot of money."

"Liberals and conservatives argue endlessly = whether this=20 program or that should be run by the government or by private business. = Either=20 can work! What really matters is how efficiently it's done, and if = there's=20 accountability for the results."

"US law requires radio and TV ads for = legtimate medicine=20 to include endless disclaimers and warnings, while ads for 'alternative=20 medicine' products have no such requirement and can claim whatever they = want.=20 Thanks to Ronald Reagan for this disgraceful travesty."

"A scientist seeks the truth, wherever that = may lead. A=20 believer already knows the truth, and cannot be swayed no matter how = compelling=20 the evidence."

"Everyone understands and accepts that the = placebo=20 effect is real, but for some reason audiophiles think it never happens = to=20 them."

"Any good orchestra can play a concert without = a=20 conductor, but name one conductor that can play a concert without the=20 orchestra!"

"The more expensive the vehicle, the less = likely the=20 driver is courteous and uses his turn signals."

"Anonymity seems to bring out the worst in=20 people."

"You can't have a democracy without an = informed=20 people." --White House reporter Helen Thomas

"Some people fear government intrusion into = their=20 privacy, but overlook that their garbage collector knows exactly how = much booze=20 they drink and their postal carrier knows every porn magazine they = subscribe=20 to."

"But I had so much more to do." --The = last words of=20 an intelligent person

"As soon as someone says, 'With all due = respect' you can=20 be sure they're about to say something disrespectful or=20 insulting."

"It's always distressing when minorities make = racist=20 comments. As targets themselves, you'd think they of all people would = know=20 better."

"What can be asserted without proof can be = dismissed=20 without proof." --Christopher Hitchens

"I hate fake boobs. I'd rather see and touch = real A-cups=20 than larger fake ones."

"When juveniles are arrested for hate crimes, = the main=20 story newspapers should print is about the parents."

"You want an inconvenient truth? Try this one: = Human=20 beings are clearly evolved for sex lives featuring multiple simultaneous = sexual=20 relationships." --Christopher Ryan

"If the origins of the inverse are ever known, = it will=20 be discovered by scientists, not theologians. Science is still = searching,=20 religion already knows."

"It is fatal to be right when the rest of the = world is=20 wrong." --Brother Theodore

"Many stores advertise they will match any = price. But=20 why should they be rewarded with our business when someone else had the = courage=20 to set their prices lower in the first place?"

"The national telephone Do Not Call list was a = great=20 idea. But it has no teeth. And the phone spammers can block their Caller = ID.=20 Worse, politicians exempted themselves from the law, making it legal for = them to=20 spam us by telephone!"

"I'm always amused by those 'Drugs don't work' = bumper=20 stickers. In fact, Drugs do work."

"If your car is so precious that you must = straddle two=20 parking spaces to avoid scratches, please park at the far end of the=20 lot."

"A lot of mattress shops offer a 30-day = money-back=20 guarantee. But what happens to the returns, and can I be sure not to get = one of=20 those?"

"The use of audiophile terms like 'airy,' = 'transparent,'=20 'rhythm and pace,' 'blacker backgrounds,' etc, instead of doing any real = measurements, paints the high end as being fraudulent, lazy and = corrupt."=20 --DavidL

"People tend to disbelieve and dismiss what = they don't=20 understand." (See the Dunning-Kruger Effect.)

"The current US financial crisis could be = solved with=20 three simple changes: 1) Legalize all recreational drugs, saving = billions of=20 dollars prosecuting and incarcerating harmless citizens, and earning = billions=20 more in new taxes; 2) Revoke the tax-exempt status of churches; 3) = Withdraw=20 soldiers and expensive 'contractors' from all foreign conflicts, = reducing=20 military spending to only what's needed for our own=20 self-defense."

"Ignorant people rely on insults instead of=20 facts."

"The amount of suffering in the world is = unfathomable to=20 me. The despair of millions of innocent people in jail, and animals in = cages.=20 Hundreds of millions of poor people and animals suffering broken bones = and=20 painful diseases right now, with no chance of treatment. Millions of = children=20 beaten daily by their parents, and millions of women beaten daily by = their=20 husbands or boyfriends. Mass starvation somewhere in the world every = day. Women=20 whipped mercilessly or stoned for disobeying rules made up by men. = Teenage girls=20 having their genitals sliced off for 'religious' reasons. Millions of = animals=20 burned alive in forest fires. It goes on and on. How can anyone possibly = believe=20 this is the intentional grand plan of some deity?"

"People who have five children need to pay = five times=20 more taxes than those with no children."

"If you never want your own soldier son to be = tortured,=20 you must oppose torturing the soldier sons of your = enemies."

"Support our troops - by bringing them=20 home!"

The following were submitted by Phil = Parmenter,=20 source unknown:

"Always remember you're unique - just like = everyone=20 else."

"It may be that your sole purpose in life is = simply to=20 serve as a warning to others."

"It is far more impressive when others = discover your=20 good qualities without your help."

"If you tell the truth, you don't have to = remember=20 anything."

"If you lend someone $20 and never see that = person=20 again, it was probably worth it."

"Never mess-up an apology with an=20 excuse."

"Never underestimate the power of stupid = people in large=20 groups."

"If you drink, don't park. Accidents cause=20 people."

"If at first you don't succeed, skydiving is = not for=20 you."

"Good judgment comes from bad experience, and = a lot of=20 that comes from bad judgment."

"A closed mouth gathers no = foot."

"Tact is the ability to tell someone to go to = hell and=20 have them be happy to be on their way."

"Never miss a good chance to shut = up."

"Anything worth taking seriously is worth = making fun=20 of."

"Experience is something you don't get until = just after=20 you need it."

"The problem with the gene pool is that there = is no=20 lifeguard."

"Don't be irreplaceable. If you can't be = replaced, you=20 can't be promoted."

Entire site contents = Copyright =A9=20 1997-2010 by Ethan Winer, all rights reserved.


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