Subject: Sharp Service Menu Technical Connections June 25, 1996 =========================================== All our thanks go out to Ted Rosen has been so kind as to answer my question regarding the Sharp Tv Setup procedure. Here it is. They do, indeed, have a service menu. *Temporarily* short tp2001 and tp2002. They are located on resistor leads of two resistors located in the left front or right front of the main pc board, depending on which model you have. *Be careful not to short either tp to gnd!* Bad things will happen! Now, once you've touched (for an instant) these tp's together, an OSD will display: S1 (xx) Channel up and channel down will toggle thru S1, S2, S3, etc. Volume up/down will vary each adjustment. I don't have the list of functions handy at this moment, but I will venture to send them to you soon. One very important adjustment is S8 (rf agc alignment). Your customer complaint would be: has lines, snowiness, co-channel type interference on some channels; others are OK (I've found CATV 22 and 23 to be common indicators). Align S8 down until the noise goes away, then toss in a few digits further down for good measure. The service menu contains adjustments for color drives, vertical, horiz, agc, aft, setup, etc. There's only 20 or so adjustments. The tuner is not affected by the menu (unlike certain crappy service menu-ed TV's I could name). Pressing "Power" dumps the menu and the new service values are automatically retained. Ask and ye shall receive! Here's a list of the menu codes for Sharp Tv's, what parameter they change, initial (standard) settings and overall range of each alignment: Service code Adjustment Initial value Range S1 Sub-picture 80 0-127 S2 Sub-tint 64 0-127 S3 Sub-color 45 0-127 S4 Sub-brite 64 0-127 S5 Sharpness 32 0-64 S6 Vertical phase 0 0-7 S7 Horiz position 20 0-31 S8 Rf AGC 32 0-63 S9 Vertical size 32 0-63 S10 VCO 45 0-127 S11 R cutoff 0 0-255 S12 G cutoff 0 0-255 S13 B cutoff 0 0-255 S14 G gain 128 0-255 S15 B gain 128 0-255 S16 Trap (3.58 MHz) 0 *default* 0-1 S17 BPF 1 " 0-1 S18 Blanking 0 " 0-1 S19 Y-mute/vert collapse 0 " 0-1 S20 Horiz. AFC 1 " 0-1 S21 White peak limiter 1 " 0-1 S22 60 Hz 0 " 0-1 S23 Volume 26 8-58 S24 Audio balance 32 0-63 S25 Caption position 7 0-15 Enjoy!