Such tools are available in electronic shops but you can also build your to your specific requirements.
Bottom: an aluminium sheet acts as a reflector and sends up UVs.
The UV light source: 4 UV tubes Philips TL 8W/05 not always easily available.
Right, tubes starters from mobile lights used car garage, there was a
promotional offer.
Down, (front plate), the electronic timer.
These came from hand-held lights used in car-repair officines. They were sold at 5$ each ...
And the schematic, if you can't find a promotional offer ...
Can be set to an exposure time range of 1-15' using the potentiometer.
A push button starts the exposure and another one can reset the exposure before
timer normal time.
Common exposure for the type of PCB I use is around 1'15".
Schematic comes from "Nouvelle Electronique - L'Incontournable N°5" December 2004.
Some mods were added:
Please, note the Start push button should resist to the maximal load's current during a short time.